Thursday, February 26, 2009

And Now it´s Time to Say Good-bye?

It has recently come to my attention that using photos of Franky & Ricky in this way is not in following with Franky & Ricky Policy. Therefore, the blog must come down. I will be tearing it down on Monday afternoon after I am done at a meeting.

I will not be putting more time into the blog and I don´t know if I will continue to blog after the teardown.

Can I hear a little protesting in the comments? It might make me feel a bit less dejected.

Thanks for reading.



  1. It is too bad you have to take it down. I know you spent a lot of time working on it and making sure it was just perfect. It was very interesting to look at and read about and learn from. I will keep my fingers crossed that the meeting goes well and you can keep it. If you can't use photos from Franky & Ricky's maybe you can at the next place, or just some of your sight seeing and adventures would be great. I'd love to see the beach!!

  2. Oh rats...I just got everybody at the spinning guild your blog address. Well, think of all the free time you'll have to knit!!
